Perpetual, Tanyi, Airmaster, How To Choose A Rolex For Beginners? Replica Rolex Watch

Rolex is currently one of the watch brands with the highest attention. Not only are popular series of watches hard to find, but the price is also high. Therefore, entry-level Rolex has also become the choice of many watch lovers. Perpetual, Tanyi, and Airmaster are three entry-level Rolexes that are often compared by watch friends when purchasing, so what are the differences between them, and how to choose?


The three watches are all dominated by sports styles. The Rolex Tanyi is a watch made for professional mountaineering. In 1953, climbers Hillary and Norgay climbed Mount Everest for the first time. During the process, they wore watches made by Rolex. This is the predecessor of the Rolex Explorer series. Taking advantage of this trend, the brand launched the Explorer series to commemorate this remarkable feat. To distinguish it from the future Explorer II (Explorer II), this series is referred to as “Explorer One” by players for short. Tanyi has undergone an upgrade this year. The dial diameter of the latest m124270 has been changed from 39mm of the previous m214270 to 36mm, and the dial layout is more compact. This change is also a return to the classic size. Replica rolex watch.


The Airmaster continues the relationship between Rolex and the aviation field. It was born in the golden age of the aviation industry. At that time, aircraft performance changed with each passing day, air routes expanded, and long-distance flights were introduced. In history, the Airmaster series has also launched classic styles such as “thirteen strokes.” The m116900, released in 2016, is the latest model of the series. It uses a 40mm diameter oyster steel case.


Speaking of Rolex, one has to mention the very representative Oyster case. Rolex is famous worldwide for this technology that originated in 1926. The classic shape has been passed down to this day and is used by various series. In 2020, the Oyster Perpetual series underwent an upgrade. In addition to adjusting the maximum diameter to 41mm this time, many new colors have been introduced. The color scheme called “Tiffany Blue” by players is very eye-catching, and the market is booming. However, the topic of this article is the entry-level model, so I will only go into a bit of detail about these premium color dials. At the same time, this Oyster Perpetual with a black dial is highlighted for comparison.

Dial design

Let’s take a look at the dial designs of these three luxury replica watches. They all use black as the dial tone, but the details of the scales and hands are different. Oyster Perpetual adheres to the most concise design style, using a “one” scale covered with luminous coating, simple, atmospheric, and practical, and has many dial colors. On this basis, Tanyi replaced the 3/6/9 scale with Arabic numerals and moved down the crown mark at noon. The scale was presented in an inverted triangle, making the dial more memorable. The Airmaster has the most detailed details. Based on Tanyi, scales other than 3/6/9 are further replaced with 60-second and minute displays. In addition, the most eye-catching thing is the yellow crown logo and the green “ROLEX” lettering. Bright color matching is not available in Tanyi.

It should be noted that both the Tanyi and the Airmaster use Rolex’s very representative “Mercedes-Benz needle” element, while the Oyster Perpetual does not introduce this design. Friends who are obsessed with the shape of the pointer should pay attention. In terms of the details of the bezel, the Oyster Perpetual uses a slightly curved arched polished bezel to make the elegant outline more prominent. The bezels of Tanyi and Kongba are smooth and sharp, and the visual effect is more capable. Two different design styles, which one do you prefer?

All three watches use an Oyster-style solid link strap and a folding clasp with a length fine-tuning function. There is a detail that needs to be paid attention to. The Tanyi folding buckle has a double safety device. After the clip is closed, the upper safety buckle must be completed to prevent the pin from accidentally opening and falling off during exercise. However, considering factors such as product differentiation and price, Oyster Perpetual did not adopt this design.


Rolex Cal.3230 movement

The Rolex 3230 movement debuted in 2020. As an alternative upgrade to the 3130 movements, the most notable change of this movement is that the power reserve has been increased from the original 48 hours to 70 hours, and it has adopted a self-designed shock absorber and a bearing-type automatic winding structure. The Oyster Perpetual series, updated in the same year, and the 36mm Tanyi launched this year all use this movement. The current Airbus still uses the 3131 campaign with a 48-hour power reserve, and we look forward to changes in subsequent upgrades.

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For friends who buy brand entry-level watches, price is often one of the critical factors affecting their choice. Currently, the price of Oyster Perpetual m124300 is RMB 46,000, and the price of Tanyi m124270 and Airmaster m116900 is RMB 50,000. Compared with the new model, the last price of the previous generation Oyster Perpetual m114300 before the discontinuation of production was RMB 44,300, and the new model’s price has increased by RMB 1,700. While the old Tanyi m214270 was finally sold at RMB 50,800, the new Tanyi did not increase the price but lowered the price by RMB 800, further narrowing the price difference between the entry models.

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How to choose the three watches? This is a matter of opinion. The price of RMB 46,000 makes the primary color Oyster Perpetual more advantageous in terms of price but correspondingly lacks the Mercedes-Benz needle and double insurance clasp. Tanyi has the same latest 3230 movements and has been controversial because of its 36mm diameter, which could be more friendly to friends who like large diameters or thicker wrists.

Model: m214270-0003
Case Color: Silver-tone
Movement: Automatic
Series: Explorer
Brand: Rolex
Gender: Men’s
Band Color: Silver-tone
Case Thickness: 15mm

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